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Proposal #42


Final result:

ACCEPT and also use the 1 BCH to add to BCH/bcBCH farm

Proposal description: This proposal seeks the middle ground between selling all of our flexUSD at a loss or holding it and hoping for an eventual recovery of Conflex and our assets. The xTango/flexUSD farm and liquidity have been removed already, we should also remove the FLEX/flexUSD farm and liquidity. The resulting total of flexUSD should be split in half. One half should be swapped for 50% BCH and 50% kept in flexUSD and used to add liquidity to Mistswap and enter the farm in a few days went it starts again. The second half should be swapped for 50% BCH and 50% bcBCH and used to add liquidity to Mistswap and enter the farm right away. This proposal leaves the FLEX Coin alone since I have no clue what to do with it, or if anything even should be done, it's like $75 at this point anyways. Choice B will serve as an ACCEPT but also use the 1 BCH we had reserved for the Verse presale to instead swap half for bcBCH and add to our liquidity and farm, it will remain liquid enough to use in future proposals if needed. For the two farms, we'll be adding if this proposal passes, the profits should be swapped to bcUSDT and held for now. I think this is a better option than flexUSD while still giving us stablecoin exposure, and this can be changed or used in the future as needed. The other farms will continue pumping liquidity as they are now. The voting period is set for 3 days, this gives us time to discuss if people choose while having plenty of time to hit the farming early, 2 days plus 3 for timelock.

Author: 0x0A54897FdB1c7f9499E6f06201d41a98232008aC Start date: 2022-07-10 23:16:05 - Deadline: 2022-07-13 23:16:05 UTC Time

0.00 [OPTION: A]

ACCEPT and also use the 1 BCH to add to BCH/bcBCH farm

40904.61 [OPTION: B]


0.00 [OPTION: D]