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Proposal #52


Final result:


Proposal description: Our bcBCH/BCH farm on Mistswap is underperforming right now, more so than the rest of smartBCH in general. Since it's a great BCH-pegged farm and one of the highest traded pairs, I think we should keep a portion of it, but not 42% of our farm allocation. This proposal aims to split this farm to give us a more well-rounded allocation across DEXs. There may be more profitable options, but with the slowness of voting to move liquidity, I think there is a benefit in sticking to some 'safer' pairs. I propose we split the bcBCH/BCH farm in three, keeping one-third of it in our allocation. One of the thirds will be used to enter the Mist/BCH farm on Mistswap. Although the Mist token is inflationary, I think trading fees and the current 60% APR can still make it a valid option. It will be guaranteed a 30% reward weighting each month, so it should remain pretty stable. The other third of the allocation should be used to enter the Tango/BCH farm on Tangoswap, currently offering 110%. The Tango token is doing well, and they have an interesting emissions reduction schedule and burn from SmartSwap, so I think it is also a good token to hold. The profits from the farms will go to boost each DEXs SIDX liquidity as most other profits are. This proposal will also start using the remaining bcBCH/BCH farm profits along with the others instead of swapping to bcUSDT, to simplify things since we're not adding much each week.

Author: 0x0A54897FdB1c7f9499E6f06201d41a98232008aC Start date: 2022-09-24 20:50:27 - Deadline: 2022-09-26 20:50:27 UTC Time

13075.70 [OPTION: A]


35013.58 [OPTION: D]

Proposal #50


Final result:


Proposal description: With some of our farms underperforming, I propose we make the following changes to the portfolio. We should exit the Joy/BCH and flexUSD/BCH farms on Mistswap. Since selling the tokens now would be a huge loss for both (same with FLEX), the risk outweighs the reward, and we should hold them for the foreseeable future. This will free up roughly 3 BCH worth of capital. I propose we split the amount three ways and enter the following farms/pools. 1/3 to the BlockNG Post Keynesian (lawUSD/bcBCH) Beam Pool offering 106% APR, 1/3 to the BlockNG Hunger Games (lawUSD/bcUSDT) Beam Pool offering 129% APR, and 1/3 to the BlockNG Law/bcBNB Kudos pool offering 98-246% APR (I feel this is better than splitting liquidity too far, but maybe we should take some Beam profits in the future also to enter the bcBTC and bcETH pools). The two Beam pools that require burning 1% of liquidity to harvest should sit untouched and accumulate Law until another proposal decides to use it somewhere. The Kudos pool can be harvested any time and should be used the same as our other weekly 'profits' to boost the portfolio's Lawswap liquidity each week. (I think rewards from each DEX boost that DEXs liquidity? Let's outline this somewhere so it's a little more clear.) In addition to the above, we should move our Law/lawUSD liquidity from Mistswap to Lawswap for better rewards. Let's put it in the Law/lawUSD Kudos pool since it offers a higher APR; the rewards from this will also go to boost the portfolio's Lawswap liquidity. If passed, let's swap at noon Sunday when profits are normally harvested. Thanks, @silken666, for a great project; we'll be in great shape when smartBCH recovers and a bull market returns, especially with an ETF-style functionality. ✌️ 💚 🚀

Author: 0x0A54897FdB1c7f9499E6f06201d41a98232008aC Start date: 2022-09-09 08:10:30 - Deadline: 2022-09-10 08:10:30 UTC Time

48804.49 [OPTION: A]


0.00 [OPTION: D]